Apply Indian tourist visa online
The set of a valid passport and authorised Visa is the entry ticket to any country, which allows you to step into a foreign country legally. The passport is obtained in the country of your residence, so it is an easy thing to obtain, but a visa needs to be applied to the government of the country you are visiting, hence is more complicated to obtain as the rules, documentation required and procedure of obtaining the visa differ from one country to another, the only common thing among all the countries is the fact that they won’t allow you to enter without it. India also follows the same rules and even for a one time visit for a few days, requires the passenger to carry a valid Indian tourist visa . Obtaining a visa could be a tedious and time taking process for the foreign nationals, to solve which, e-visa was introduced to the Indian system also, like many other countries in the world. Indian E-Visa is a facility launched by the government of India to ease out the visa ...